Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Snake!!!

I am very happy to announce the Snake is happily back in her cage. Safe and sound.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Kelly got a smoker for Christmas. He has been so excited to try it out. We waited to have our Christmas dinner till today, and he has smoked 4 chickens. (hey we have 7 kids). We are having all the fixin's mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, corn and green beans, and pie for dessert. It smells so incredible at our house right now. He also got a turkey fryer and we will be having a turkey for New Year's.

****Still No Snake****

The snake has not been found.

Body Worlds

Saturday, Chelsea, Tylen, Chase, Keaton and I went to see the Body Worlds exhibit in Salt Lake City. We saw every system of the body, it is amazing what is packed inside us. They had healthy organs and then organs that were damaged or diseased. Very cool. I highly reccommend this exhibit. It is only going to be here until January 11th.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


This is an old picture of Kelly with Keaton's pet snake, Jewels. She is a little bigger now. Keaton has had Jewels since before Kelly and I got married, so at least 6 or 7 years. Well, it finally happened!!! Someone left the top off the snake cage last night. Now we have a snake on the loose in our house. I am a bit nervous to say the least, and don't want anyone to leave the house till she is found.

Friday, December 26, 2008


I don't know about anywhere else in Utah, but in Heber we thought we'd wake up in OZ. Christmas day the wind blew, and blew, and blew, and blew (get the picture). It blew in circles and all directions. We had huge drifts, notice the picture of the cars... that is our driveway with Chelsea and Tylen's cars back there. Luckily we have a plow so they could get out. The front of the house was plastered with snow and we have huge drifts in the back yard, that are now becoming great snow caves. Today, the day after Christmas, was beautiful. We moved snow and plowed and the kids played it was so fun.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

more christmas pics.

Merry Christmas!

Kelly Opening his Smoker and Turkey Fryer. I think I got the Best Present Ever. Kelly is soooo good to me. I have been begging and begging for Wicked Tickets, Well I got them. Notice the theatre, It's the Orpheum in San Francisco!!! I have to wait till March, but that's ok, he has a whole trip planned, 5 days in San Francisco, I cant wait!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


In the 5th grade, Caroline has been studying electricity in science. Their big project at the end of the unit was to create a house and light it up with christmas lights, using batteries. They had to have a switch to turn it off and on. And then they had to write a real estate ad about their house. You can't see the lights in the pictures, but here is Caroline and Kelly working on the lighting and battery system.


Our last child to graduate from the DARE program, Caroline. The program was the best one I have been to. Ms. Utah 2007 came and talked, she was awesome. She had a younger brother who died because of an overdose.


Chase turned 17 on Dec 12. We celebrated a few days later because he spent the weekend at a wrestling tournament.

First Snow and the Rhino

This past summer, Kelly and I bought a Yamaha Rhino. Our whole purpose was to buy a plow for it so we didn't lose our driveway like we did last year in the snow. Well, we had a ton of fun with it, we took it to Moab, and many times up to Cascade Springs through Snake Creek. Well, a few months ago we went back up to Plaza Cycle and bought our plow and had it installed. We parked it in the garage in anticipation of the snow. The snow finally came.....

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cambrie's moment of fame

Cambrie goes to school in Logan, after our christmas party(which was in Logan) we took all the kids to the mall to look around for a bit. Cambrie was able to show us her ornament she made it is made from a disc like an album. The tree in the picture is covered with ornaments that all the kids at the schools made out of recycled things. It was really neat. We don't get to see what Cambrie does a lot so it was fun for her to share that with all of us. We also ran into a girl from our Ward here in Heber who is going to Utah State.

Earl Family Christmas..Musical Chairs

Yesterday, December 6th, was the Earl Family Christmas Party. It was tons of fun as always. We had good food, bingo, guessing games, a pinata and as always a No Holds Barred Musical Chairs. Kelly made it to the final 4, but alas did not win.

Another tradition that Kelly and his siblings remember is that Grandma Earl always read the Littlest Angel on Christmas Eve. So Kristie had Grandma read to all the kids and adults who wanted to listen. It was so silent, the kids were listening so intently.
We love our Family and love being able to spend time with them at the holidays!!