Monday, March 30, 2009

The Rest of the Story....

Scoma's resturant in Sosulito.
Going to WICKED! It was Awesome!!!
Kelly at Alcatraz. They say "Break the rules, go to prison. Break the prison rules, go to Alcatraz." What a cool place!

locking up the bikes to go eat at Scoma's
Stopping on the Golden Gate Bridge (note the sign above me)
Getting ready to ride the bridge (see it in the distance) It was an 8 mile trip across the bridge to Sosulito, then we rode a Ferry back to SF.
Kelly's only place he said he cared about going, He wanted a Harley shirt from San Francisco.
Standing in front of some of the Chocolate making equipment at Girardelli. We had ice cream sundaes twice while in SF with melted Ghirardelli chocolate on them. mmmm good!
The trip was a blast, Thank you so much Kelly for this incredible gift.

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